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Two Days Of Fun In MSA

To all MSAers, Alumni, enrolled, parents, guardians & caregivers, supporters, fans… 1. Please pray for the preparations! A fair weather, good health to enjoy the contests & fun, speaker, needs for the occasion, safety and hearts that are grateful to God for His faithfulness. 2. You may want to join the parade around town at […]

Happy Birthday Ma’am Nelly

Dear Lord, I give You praise and glory on this very day. Thank you very much for giving our dear Directress and my mentor, Ma’am Nelly Hiquiana another fruitful year in this world. She has been a blessing to a lot people most especially to the students of MSA. May You continue to shower her […]

A wonderful and warm greetings! May this letter finds you well and joyful!

Why & why not? Why did it take so long to put up the school building project ? I ask this myself as well over and over and over. The honest answer is that, Rev. Daniel perhaps was thinking of a preschool only, then. The elementary and high school were automatically happening as they won’t […]